Wednesday, June 30, 2010

WORLD CUP FEVER!!!! haha..
quater finals now...
Uruguay vs Ghana
Argentina vs Germany
Brazil vs Holland
Chile vs Spain
tough and nice match for argentina-germany and brazil-holland
haha... just a post here to update my blog... its the world cup fever once every 4 years.. haha... and bettings here bettings there.... winning HUAT AR! LOl...
everynite wtih match go livebetting and watch... hope it goes well on me... haha.. qtr finals liao.. may we huat more and win all my taxes from sgpools.. haha... anw my bdae coming soon... looking so forward to it... countdown baby.. and 18 alrdy can do alot of things! haha... Clubbing here i come... alryte its in the morning.. i shall go get my breakfast alrdy... ppl do tag me yea... be4 u leave.. haha... and ive updated my blogsong new ones... hope u guys enjoy it and may comment it on my tagbox... so ciaos ppl~